East Troy Area Chamber of Commerce & Tourism

Sixth Annual Find the Joy in East Troy

From Friday, November 27th at 12am to Thursday, December 24th

Edited: 10/7/2014, 11:31 PM

Local holiday shopping promotion.  Qualify for free prize drawing by shopping at participating Chamber member businesses.  As a new twist this year, shoppers will be asked to seek out the letters that spell "FIND THE JOY" in East Troy and write down the JOY Locations where the letters are displayed.  Entry forms will be available at the JOY Locations, at the Chamber Office or downloaded from the Chamber's Web site (www.easttroywi.org).   Prizes will be awarded on Monday, December 28, 2009 at the Chamber office. 

Special Thanks to Wisconsin Oven Corporation, our longest standing member of over 47 years.

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